Subtle pearly shimmers illuminate the dark intensity of this product and bring softness to the overall drama of this look.
Subtle pearly shimmers illuminate the dark intensity of this product and bring softness to the overall drama of this look.
114.3 x 914.4mm
152.4 x 914.4mm
304.8 x 304.8mm
457.2 x 457.2mm
304.8 x 609.6mm
Xtra 457.2 x 914.4mm
Xtra 184 x 1219.2mm
Xtra 228.6 x 1219.2mm
152.4 x 457.2mm
20 years
The crowning feature of our Multiple Performance System is our Quantum Guard urethane layer. Amtico’s Quantum Guard is the most durable urethane on the market. The low-gloss finish also enhances the realism of our natural-looking products whilst making them easier to clean and eliminating the need for polish.